(法新社基辅4日电) 乌克兰官员表示,俄罗斯今天发射1枚飞弹攻击乌克兰的伊久姆市(Izyum),造成5死50伤。俄军2022年曾短暂占领这座城市。乌克兰总统泽伦斯基呼吁盟邦加强施压俄国停止入侵行动。
This attack destroyed part of the city council building,” said the head of state. “As of now, we know there are casualties – ...
(法新社基辅4日电) 乌克兰东部哈尔科夫州(Kharkiv)的州长西涅古波夫在社群媒体上表示,俄罗斯今天朝州内的伊久姆市(Izyum)发射1枚飞弹,造成4死20伤。
Russian forces launched a ballistic missile strike on downtown Izyum in Kharkiv Oblast at around 11:35 a.m., Marchenko said.
Russian forces struck the center of Izyum, a city in Ukraine’s Kharkiv region on Tuesday, killing at least five people, ...
路透社报导,哈尔科夫州(Kharkiv)州长西涅古波夫(Oleg Synegubov)在社群媒体平台Telegram引述初步讯息表示,俄罗斯军队动用弹道飞弹袭击伊久姆镇中心区。
ALBAWABA - At least four people were killed and 17 others were injured in a Russian missile in Izyum city, in eastern Ukraine ...
A Russian missile attack on Ukraine's eastern frontline city of Izyum in the Kharkiv region killed at least 5 people and ...
A Russian missile attack Tuesday on the Ukrainian city of Izyum, briefly occupied by Russia in 2022, killed five people and ...
A Russian missile fired Tuesday on the eastern Ukrainian city of Izyum killed four people and wounded 17, the governor of the ...
A Russian ballistic missile strike has killed five people - including a pregnant teenager - and wounded more than four dozen ...
At least five people were killed and more than 50 hurt in a Russian missile strike on eastern Ukraine as the Kremlin ...