Microplastics have been found everywhere in the human body, including blood, breast milk, testicles, heart tissue, lung ...
美国一项新研究发现,人类的大脑令人意外地含有大量的微塑胶。新墨西哥大学药学教授坎彭(Matthew Campen)指出,研究人员从52具遗体中发现,一个大脑平均所含的微塑胶大约等于一个汤匙载满的量;且失智症患者大脑中的微塑胶量是健康人士的好几倍。
People diagnosed with dementia have up to 10 times more microplastics present in their brains than those without the ...
Scientists found microplastics in all 52 examined human brains. Newer brain samples had more plastic than older ones.
The human brain may contain an entire spoon's worth of nanoplastics, according to new findings published in the journal ...
Human brains today contain 50% more plastic than in 2016, a new study found. Brain of people diagnosed with dementia had the ...
A recent study has found microplastics are accumulating in the human brain, with potential connections to diseases such as ...
By Bobby Bascomb A new study has found a dramatic increase in levels of microplastics and nanoplastics (MNPs) in human brains ...
US researchers have examined almost 100 samples from brains and found an unexpectedly high concentration of plastic in them.
Researchers studied samples of human brains and found high levels of microplastics, but it's unclear how they slip past the ...
Study reveals alarming accumulation of microplastics in human brains, especially in dementia patients, raising health ...