Apple’s M5 chip is coming to the Vision Pro, but that’s not the change the headset really needs. Instead, Apple should be ...
Late last year, Apple reportedly scaled back the production of its headset amid tepid demand. It's only been a year since its ...
Commentary: Apple's expensive headset remains something that appeals only to pros (and rich bros). There are things it does ...
The post Apple suddenly dropped its lawsuit against the Vision Pro leaker appeared first on Android Headlines.
2025年2月6日,苹果公司在全球范围内正式推出了其最新的增强现实设备——Apple Vision Pro。这款备受期待的产品以其前沿的技术和设计备受瞩目,标志着苹果在消费者电子产品领域又一次大胆探索。对于科技爱好者和普通消费者来说,Apple Vision Pro的开售无疑是一个值得庆祝的时刻。我在此将带您深入了解这款设备的特点以及它可能对我们未来的生活产生的深远影响。
Apple recently scrapped plans for tethered AR glasses to its Mac, long-term AR glasses goal moves ahead after massive Vision Pro flopped.
I sincerely apologize to my former colleagues who not only worked tirelessly on projects for Apple, but work hard to keep ...
Apple’s $3,500 Vision Pro sounds like a bargain compared to the price of a fresh, medical-grade cadaver. (A body alone can be ...
The Apple Vision Pro is one of a few recent mis-steps for Apple. After the canceled Apple Car project, the Vision Pro ...
A new patent filing shows that Apple has been working on a fairly standard external game controller device for Apple Vision ...
近期,科技界传来一则新消息,苹果公司悄然获得了一项引人瞩目的新专利,这一专利似乎预示着其即将推出一款名为Vision Pro的专用操控手柄。此前,市场传闻苹果正与索尼携手,共同研发适用于Apple Vision Pro头显的游戏控制手柄。