The first successful LCDs used two types of liquid crystals – chiral and nematic. By combining these ... segment LCD display out of a pair of microscope slides. It does modulate light, just ...
Meaning "thread" in Greek, nematic LCs are monostable and return to their original alignment when the electric field is removed. In 1888, liquid crystals were identified by Austrian botanist ...
"Using our method, any lab with a microscope and a set of lenses ... Spatial Photo‐Patterning of Nematic Liquid Crystal Pretilt and its Application in Fabricating Flat Gradient‐Index Lenses ...
Our research group fabricates and studies colloidal particles with different numbers of handles and genus g. When introduced into a nematic liquid crystal, these particles induce three-dimensional ...
Additionally, the liquid crystal used in the reaction exhibited properties of the twisted-bend nematic phase -- a recently discovered phase that has been attracting considerable attention in ...