Tesla coil is very strong radio transmitter, and 1.7MHz is not free to use. It is above MW broadcast band and bellow amateur 160m band, in the area used by various coast guards which won’t be happy.
We’ve all seen a million videos online with singing Tesla coils doing their thang. [Zach Armstrong] wasn’t content to just watch, though. He went out and built one himself! Even better ...
particularly the Tesla Coil (originally called Tesla Oscillator) – a high frequency oscillator that enabled the inventor to conduct a series of revolutionary experiments including wireless ...
Tesla Coil: Invented in 1891, the Tesla Coil is a high-voltage transformer that produces low-current, high-frequency alternating current electricity. It has been instrumental in advancements in radio ...
Although the Tesla unit is extensively used, and the Tesla coil which is one of his most ingenious inventions, it's also extensively used. We have wireless transmission of energy all the time.