If you have a sedentary job where you sit at a desk, table or behind the wheel of a car, there’s a high chance you’ve got tight hip flexors. The group of muscles that allow bending at the hip ...
Worried you might have tight hips, but not sure how to tell? Here’s how to get to know your flexors. If it was possible for a body part to trend, hips would be topping the charts in 2023.
Editor’s note: Dana Santas, known as the “Mobility Maker,” is a certified strength and conditioning specialist and mind-body coach in professional sports, and is the author of the book ...
Hips rotate forward causing lengthened hip flexors and shortened lumbar extensors (Figure A) After long term exposure to this positioning the muscles will adjust to these improper lengths. Figure C ...
Methods: Twenty one long term older TC practitioners were compared with 18 regular older joggers and 22 sedentary counterparts. Maximum concentric strength of knee flexors and extensors was tested at ...