For a woman who never fit the mould, living on a remote island was easy. Starting over afterwards was a bigger challenge ...
In the social media age, it seems impossible not to measure ourselves against others – but we can dodge the worst pitfalls ...
Once maligned by philosophers, metaphors are a key communication tool for extending the power of literal speech ...
We used an electric-shock dilemma to test the strength of people’s moral principles when faced with real-world complexities ...
is a detective chief superintendent and associate professor at the Norwegian Police University College in Oslo, and has 15 years’ experience as a senior detective in the Oslo Police department and at ...
is a therapist and metacognitive specialist, managing several clinics in Denmark and providing metacognitive therapy online in English. She has a PhD from Manchester University and trained with the ...
is a cartographer and writer living and working in Minneapolis.
is a psychologist and personality researcher at Witten/Herdecke University in Germany. His work focuses on motivated (self-)perception, specifically examining individual differences in self-knowledge ...
is completing an MPhil in philosophy at the University of Sydney in Australia. His research considers how equality and inequality are reflected in everyday interactions between people.