Adipocytes differentiated in vitro, containing fat deposits (yellow) and the Cav-1 protein in the cell membrane (magenta). Scale bar, 100 microns. b, Mouse adipose tissue. Scale bar, 100 microns ...
"In biology, changes in viscoelasticity can lead to severe diseases, such as cancers," commented ICFO. "Knowing the viscoelasticity and other rheological properties of biological samples, such as ...
Then, Adrianne Rosales of the University of Texas at Austin, will underscore the significance of viscoelasticity – a phenomenon embodying both solid and liquid properties. She will also elucidate the ...
More information: Frederic Català-Castro et al, Measuring age-dependent viscoelasticity of organelles, cells and organisms with time-shared optical tweezer microrheology, Nature Nanotechnology ...