Dive into CERN's accelerator complex with these 360° panoramic photos. You can take a virtual tour of the installed machines and equipment, visit different areas of ...
The LHC will not generate black holes in the cosmological sense. However, some theories suggest that the formation of tiny 'quantum' black holes may be possible. The observation of such an event would ...
At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. They use the world's largest and most complex scientific ...
In 1929 the American astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that the distances to far-away galaxies were proportional to their redshifts. Redshift occurs when a light source moves away from its observer: ...
Katarzyna Dyga of IT department measuring the TETRA network coverage and quality of voice calls in the AD during the end of year technical stop 2017/2018 assuring that the TETRA service is reliable.
Updates and information for the CERN community. You are invited to submit your own content to this section. To search the phonebook, find CERN websites, services and more see the directory. The ...
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is currently operating at the energy of 6.5 TeV per beam. At this energy, the trillions of particles circle the collider's 27-kilometre tunnel 11,245 times per second.
For a few millionths of a second, shortly after the Big Bang, the universe was filled with an astonishingly hot, dense soup made of all kinds of particles moving at near light speed. This mixture was ...
The programme is currently open for applications. All applications should reach us no later than end of January, please check the specific deadline for this year on our website ...