Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society NVS’s vision is to significantly improve human health through excellent research and education within the department´s profile areas. NVS is one ...
The group has a strong focus on steatotic liver disease (MASLD) from an epidemiological and clinical perspective. Our main focus is on identifying risk factors and subgroups of patients with a ...
The Department of Cell and Molecular Biology at Karolinska Institutet is a nationally leading academic research center of high international standard where science comes first and foremost. CMB ...
At the Department of Clinical Neuroscience (CNS), we conduct research and teaching regarding the function of the brain - from a molecular level to the effect on society. Kyla McKay has been awarded ...
I Sverige står Karolinska Institutet för den enskilt största andelen av den medicinska akademiska forskningen. Forskningen spänner över hela det biomedicinska fältet – från grundläggande experimentell ...
Hjärnskador som sker innan hjärnan är färdigutvecklad kan ge upphov till cerebral pares, cp. Hos vissa med cp går det inte att upptäcka något med blotta ögat, andra kan ha behov av till exempel ...
Our work focuses on understanding how spaceflight affects the mass and function of skeletal muscle and how this tissue interacts with other physiological systems of the human body in space. We are ...
Varje år får 7000 personer i Sverige tarmcancer. Framstegen i forskningen och behandlingen har varit många och i det här avsnittet av Cancerfondens podd GLÖD berättar kirurgen och cancerforskaren Anna ...
We conduct leading education and research with an impact on women’s and children’s health globally. Sweden's young academy is looking for new members Sweden's young academy is looking for new members ...
The research aims to identify key molecular and mutational events in thyroid, adrenal and other endocrine tumors, and their clinical applications in endocrine pathology and molecular pathology for ...
Guimaraes EL; Dias DO; Hau WF; Julien A; Holl D; Garcia-Collado M; Savant S; Vagesjo E; Phillipson M; Jakobsson L; Goritz C ...
Karolinska ATMP-centrum har etablerats av Karolinska Institutet och Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset för att åstadkomma ytterligare framsteg inom cell-, gen-, och vävnadsterapier. Karolinska ...