Time is money. Avoid these 21 huge time wasters at home & in the office to get more done and enjoy your life. Stop wasting ...
Everyone loves sports, but the upper class enjoys games no one else can afford. Discover the top rich people sports the ...
Discover the top productivity killers that are wasting your time and stealing your precious energy. Get more done without ...
Ephemera are tiny bits of history. They represent a glimpse into daily life, created to serve a simple purpose, then ...
Photo Credit: Josemaria Toscano via Shutterstock.com. Teddy Roosevelt started the National Park system while president as a way to preserve nature for generations, and his vision took off. Our ...
“Follow your passion and never work a day in your life.” The aspirational quote comes from Mark Twain, who said “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” It’s ...
Melanie Allen is an American journalist and happiness expert. She has bylines on MSN, the AP News Wire, Wealth of Geeks, Media Decision, and numerous media outlets across the nation and is a certified ...
There are hundreds of ways to express yourself through art. Art hobbies allow us to convey our thoughts through imagery, song, and the written word. If you’re searching for the perfect method of ...
Are you a champion for yourself? Society teaches many of us, but especially women to trust the experts, be nice, make others feel better about themselves, and never make waves. We never learn the most ...
With technological advances, numerous professions risk being replaced by automation. But we don’t think about the occupations we have already lost. Of course, we all know cars replaced carriage drives ...
With our busy work schedules and obligations, we often don’t have the time to explore everything we really want out of life. We don’t have enough hours in the day to do everything we have to do while ...
Every product, service, and idea enjoys a golden age – an era where it’s the best it ever was and will ever be. After climbing its bell curve of greatness, most things slowly fetter out and exit the ...