According to BVA's Voice of the Veterinary Profession survey, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a top three concern for vets, with almost half (49%) of vets listing it as the most pressing animal ...
When, who and how to report to the competent authorities if you suspect the illegal importation of pets in Northern Ireland Veterinary surgeons can often be the first to suspect that an animal may ...
We believe every veterinary workplace should be 100% free from abuse, but the reality is that 57% of vets in clinical practice were intimidated by clients last year and 48% were abused online. Our ...
For 10 years, our Voice of the Veterinary Profession survey has been critical for raising awareness and bringing about change on the issues that matter most to BVA members. Voice gathers invaluable ...
Tail docking is the removal of a dog’s tail in part or whole for cosmetic reasons or to prevent possible injury. It is an outdated practice that involves cutting or crushing muscle, nerves, and bone ...
It is essential for sheep health and welfare, that any procedures having the potential to create pain and suffering should be balanced against the need for that procedure. Castration and tail-docking ...
Why should I get my dog's hips screened? Many breeds of dog are at risk of developing a condition known as hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is a common inherited problem that means one or both of the hip ...
Sustainable animal agriculture is defined as animal agriculture carried out in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability to meet the needs of the future. Global ...
Why should I get my dog's eyes checked? There are many types of hereditary eye disease, both congenital (conditions that exist from birth or soon after birth) and non-congenital (conditions that ...
Non-traditional companion animals (NTCAs) can have exacting husbandry requirements, and complex social, cognitive, and nutritional needs, which may make them more challenging to keep as pets. There ...
As a member you have free access to BVA guides, templates, resources, and posters to help keep you informed and up to date with a wide range of topics related to the veterinary profession.
Any movement of livestock will have an impact on their health and welfare. The distances that livestock keepers move animals vary widely, from local area movements (for example to pastures, markets, ...