预计2025年和2026年全球经济增速均为3.3%,与2024年10月《世界经济展望》的预测基本持平。其中,美国的预期增速被上调,这抵消了其他地区增速的下调。近期前景的特点在于各国的路径出现分化,而中期的增长风险偏向下行。通胀压力的重新抬头可能阻碍货 ...
我们预计,今年和明年全球增速将稳定保持在3.3%的水平,与疫情前大幅放缓的潜在增速大体一致。通胀正在下行,今明两年将分别下降至4.2%和3.5%,逐步回落至央行的目标水平,为货币政策进一步回归常态创造条件。这将有助于结束近年来包括新冠疫情、俄乌战争等 ...
The Board of Governors, the highest decision-making body of the IMF, consists of one governor and one alternate governor for each member country. The governor is appointed by the member country and is ...
Exchange Rate Query Tool - This query tool allows the user to retrieve exchange rates data from the IMF rates database, and view, print, or save the data.
Recent developments. Haiti is facing exceptionally challenging circumstances. The deteriorating security environment, which reached crisis proportions in the first few months of 2024, has continued to ...
This paper investigates the global economic spillovers emanating from G20 emerging markets (G20-EMs), with a particular emphasis on the comparative influence of China. Employing a Bayesian Global ...
This paper examines the potential impact of border carbon adjustments on Trinidad and Tobago’s exports. Despite its marginal contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions, the country’s high carbon ...
We study the two-way relationship between fixed-rate mortgages (FRMs) and monetary policy in a panel of up to 35 countries over the last two decades. The dataset includes quarterly information on the ...
The country has emerged as a regional anchor of growth and stability thanks to impressive economic resilience and reform ...
Is foreign capital associated with economic growth and, if not, why does it flow "uphill"? Standard economic theory tells us that financial capital should, on net, flow from richer to poorer countries ...