Buckeye Chuck, Ohio's official weather predicting groundhog, made his forecast at about 7:40 a.m. Sunday. Hundreds of people travelled to Marion's annual Buckeye Chuck Day event to watch. As Chuck ...
Punxsutawney Phil isn't the only weather-predicting groundhog that enjoys a day of public spotlight. In New York, a ground-dweller by the name of Staten Island Chuck has made his call: spring is ...
Staten Island Chuck, the Staten Island Zoo’s famous groundhog, will take part in his annual Groundhog Day ceremony. The free event is open to the public with gates opening at 7:30 a.m. and the ...
Will Buckeye Chuck predict an early or late spring? Will his prediction be correct? Here's your chance to weigh in. Take our poll on what will happen in Marion, Ohio, when Buckeye Chuck looks up ...