A study by the United Arab Emirates University aimed to develop and validate a sensitive method for the determination of six ...
Beans are a key food at the dietary level, boasting high nutritional value and constituting the most directly consumed legume ...
A UCO team has applied the genome editing technique, which garnered a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020, to unravel the ...
At P < 0.05, there was a statistical difference between the means. Table 2. Effect of different exogenous cytokinins on shoot development from single nodes with axillary bud of E. ulmoides after 4 ...
This blog is managed by the content creator and not GhanaWeb, its affiliates, or employees. Advertising on this blog requires ...
Beans are a key food at the dietary level, boasting high nutritional value and constituting the most directly consumed legume. They also have a ...
Roots constitute the first organ to respond to environmental changes and are essential for sessile organisms in terms of anchoring to the soil and taking up nutrients and water (Aiken and Smucker, ...
The laboratory work was developed in the Plant Physiology Laboratory of the Department of Biological Sciences (3°59’14.2 “S 79°11’52.5 “W) of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Loja, Ecuador.