"Mr. Ling, get me 20 boxes of Jinxianggan Mandarins delivered to town this afternoon!" "Could you ship two boxes of Jinxianggan Mandarins to this address? I want my friends to try our Baiji's ‘golden ...
Consumers showed strong spending power during the Spring Festival holiday this year, boosting the steady growth of the country's overall consumption market in the first quarter, official data showed.
在全球化格局重组的2024年,拉美成为了中国企业出海的重要战场。这片拥有6.7亿人口的大陆,为中国制造业、数字经济、新能源等产业带来了新的机遇。据统计,拉美地区是中国海外投资第二大目的地,截至2023年年底,中国在拉美直接投资存量达6008亿美元,较2013年末翻了七倍。 2024年,中企在拉美的发展跌宕起伏。制造业投资热潮,一度在墨西哥掀起风浪,一时间,钱和人都涌向这片土地。然而特朗普当选后,伴 ...