Animal embryogenesis is the process by which the embryo develops from the fertilised egg cell. Important events that occur during embryogenesis are gastrulation, formation of the early nervous ...
在3K500展位,由科视Christie合作伙伴Augmenta打造的全互动落地式投影映射空间将视音频元素巧妙结合,呈现出令人震撼的效果。参观者可与空间的墙壁和地面上的投影内容互动,这些内容均由潘多拉魔盒媒体服务器驱动。显示器还将展示所追踪的数据,揭 ...
Select the journal/section where you want your idea to be submitted: Early embryo development in mammals begins with the recognition and fusion of gametes of both sexes, followed by a series of ...
Turing patterns offer insight into (among other things) the patterns we find on animals, whether it’s the splotches on ...
This study provides a valuable new resource to investigate the molecular basis of the particular features characterizing the pipefish embryo. The authors found both unique and shared gene expression ...
Evolution might allow for multiple optimal solutions, depending on the constraints and conditions under which an organism ...
[投影之窗消息] 科视Christie®及其合作伙伴于2月4日至7日在巴塞罗那Fira Gran Via展览中心举行的2025年ISE展会上,展示如何通过技术协同实现沉浸式和互动体验。 这科视Christie以“Experience is ...
Colossal BioSciences has raised $200 million in a new round of funding to bring back extinct species like the woolly mammoth.
This review focuses on intergenerational and transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in different plants, animal species and humans, presenting the up-to-date evidence and arguments for such effects ...
eLife is a non-profit organisation inspired by research funders and led by scientists. Our mission is to help scientists accelerate discovery by operating a platform for research communication that ...
孤雄小鼠的研究,为哺乳动物印记基因的形成及其在单性生殖障碍中的作用,提供了更合理的解释。修复单个印记基因异常就能成功产生孤雌小鼠,但孤雄小鼠实验表明,印记基因的演化目标并非直接阻止单性生殖。实际上,印记基因和单性生殖的关系更多是间接效应:当体内有两套 ...