前段时间,网上突然爆出一个新闻:1950年代,美国多个媒体上发布了一张奇怪的照片引起了轰动,该照片拍摄于1864年,地点是在维克斯堡市附近,6个身着内战时期装束的人扶着一只巨大的神似翼龙的“鸟”,前面则有四人坐立,有两人端着枪,似乎这就是一只刚被猎杀 ...
HANGZHOU, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) -- Yiwu International Trade Market, the world's largest wholesale market for small commodities ...
A plane with 10 people onboard was reported missing late Thursday afternoon near Nome, Alaska's westernmost major city, ...
不想去热门旅游地人挤人?烟火气满满的“返乡深度游”更有性价比。一批常年在外的年轻人不再扎堆旅游,而是选择依照线上攻略,来上一场hometown walk,重新认识下家乡这个 “最熟悉的陌生目的地”。
镍催化的C–X偶联反应是有机合成中的重要工具,因其能够在较低成本下替代传统的钯催化体系,成为研究热点。镍的氧化还原特性使得其能够在不同价态之间进行转化,尤其是Ni ...
Chinese athletes (from left) Cidan Yuzhen, Suolang Quzhen and Yu Jingxuan compete in the women's ski mountaineering sprint ...
Scientists researching Alpine glaciers store ice in Antarctica. By analysing air bubbles in the ice they may be able to predict the future ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
另一深夜节目主持人Stephen Colbert亦以加拿大刻板印象开玩笑,指加国是美国“最大的原油供应国,也是最有礼貌的油供应国”。他也揶揄加拿大人驾驶以枫糖浆为燃料的汽车,骑驼鹿上班。Stephen Colbert亦指出,加拿大只占美国芬太尼市场供应不足1%,质疑特朗普无故针对加国。
"Be a lady" meant don't allow yourself to be overcome by useless emotions like anger. It would be fine if you met Prince Charming and lived happily ever after. But... be able to fend for yourself. His ...
When a failed businessman is forced to move into his late grandfather's house, his attempts to live up to the family legacy creates a new perspective on the family hero and himself.
When a failed businessman is forced to move into his late grandfather's house, his attempts to live up to the family legacy creates a new perspective on the family hero and himself.