Choose easy words like Hello or Bye Bye or your bird’s name. Speak clearly and enthusiastically to catch their attention. Make sure you spend enough time bonding and playing with them and offering ...
Let’s talk about data. Just the facts. These data are information gathered by satellites, instruments on the ground (thermometers, wind speed gauges, etc.), lasers and the many other ways humans use ...
LynFit Nutrition is a recurring segment featured on CT BUZZ, where Celebrity Nutrition & Fitness Expert, Lisa Lynn shares her insights and experience with Reporter ...
It is late February and remnant melting snow is teasing us with the promise of spring. As the snow recedes, it reveals secret stories that have been accumulating since fall, a window into the ...
The morning temperature outside was -11 degrees as I stood by the window in the bright sunlight visiting with memory care residents in the Rose Court where I now serve as chaplain. The dazzling ...