韩国Maeil Business Newspaper援引未具名业内人士的话报道,OpenAI首席执行官Sam Altman将于周二会见三星电子执行董事长李在镕,讨论新业务方面的合作。OpenAI和三星正在协调签署一项“开放合作伙伴关系”,通过与全球人工智能公司联手将尖端技术与三星的产品和服务相结合。两家公司可能还会讨论AI芯片方面的投资和合作。
China's 24 Solar Terms, the ancient Chinese knowledge of dividing a year through the observation of the sun's annual motion, was inscribed on the World Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2016.
"How can the stream be so clear? - It is because of the fresh water from its source (问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来)." The documentary about Sanming, Fujian, by the Turkish sinologist Giray Fidan entitled How can th ...