For 2025, the rear-driver Q4 e-Tron is back sporting upgrades and a higher numeric suffix in 45 instead of the previous 40.
Riding on the same MEB architecture that underpins its more cost-conscious Volkswagen counterpart, the Q4 e-tron packs a ...
With sales down across multiple models, Audi faces a challenging road ahead. Here's a closer look at the troubling numbers.
奥迪韩国今年将推出进军国内市场以来最多的新车型。 虽然进行了部分变更,但由于世代变更和完全新车不足,销量停滞不前,在这种情况下,现代汽车试图通过推出新车进行反击。 特别是今年在国内市场新推出的车型大部分是搭载新车辆平台的车型。
Surely north of 17,000 people can’t be wrong? To find out, we’ve driven the Q4 e-Tron extensively on UK roads – most recently this winter after our Audi S3 long-termer was in for repairs.
【太平洋汽车 济南优惠促销频道】近日,编辑从一汽奥迪了解到最新报价信息,近期到店订购 奥迪Q4 e-tron ( 询底价 | 查参配 )全系车型最高可享现金优惠13.76万元。感兴趣的朋友不妨点击报价表格中的“获取底价”,有机会享受更大优惠。
Sales of the Q3 jumped by an impressive 45% to 32,090 units. Sales of the Q4 e-tron also rose by 5% to 8,546, and Audi delivered 2,810 units of the Q4 Sportback e-tron, an 8% increase. The only other ...
Cadillac officially unveiled on Thursday the high-performance 2026 Lyriq V, the vehicle General Motors developed to challenge ...
【车主之家 销量数据】 日前,车主之家从中国乘用车联席会获得了最新公布的销量数据。2024年12月奥迪Q4 e-tron销量为1120辆,在一汽-大众奥迪销量中占比2.03%,在SUV销量中排名第162位。