联想ThinkPad E14是一款高性能商务笔记本电脑,采用了英特尔酷睿i5处理器,性能强劲。电脑搭载了16GB内存和512GB固态硬盘,操作流畅无卡顿。此外,电脑还拥有2.2K高色域屏幕,显示效果出色。这款电脑非常适合办公、学生和游戏爱好者使用。现在购买可以享受立减优惠,最终到手价为5699元,比原价便宜了500元。喜欢这款商品的朋友们不要错过这次促销购买机会哦!
The Lenovo 14″ ThinkPad E14 Gen 6 Intel Laptop is currently available at a sale price of $822.64, reflecting a 44% discount.
ThinkPad E14 2023款 十三代酷睿版 14英寸 轻薄本,一款性价比极高的笔记本电脑。此款商品现在在京东活动售价4699元,下单1件可以享受国补20%的优惠,同时还可以使用饺子抽奖活动中的199-15全品类券,再加上PLUS会员的专享立减,实付价低至3720.41元。 该笔记本搭载 ...
Lenovo's sixth-generation ThinkPad E14 is a budget laptop designed to be a reliable workhorse for day-to-day tasks.
The ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 13 Aura Edition is incredibly light and offers a vivid display and a comfortable keyboard. But ...
比如,ThinkPad 旗下的E14 AI和E16 AI 2024。 E14和E16的配置基本一致,当前搭载酷睿Ultra 5 125H,标配32GB+1TB存储组合的型号,国补后的价格分别为4799元和5040元。虽然它们也有升级Ultra 7 155H的高配型号,但价格也要上涨千元左右,对大部分商务用户来说Ultra 5处理器就 ...
For those who need a laptop that will be able to handle even the most demanding tasks, you can’t go wrong with the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 11. It’s packed with powerful components ...
Another budget-friendly ThinkPad option is the E14. It has some good mid-level specs like an Intel i7 processor, 16GB of RAM, and a 512GB solid state drive. But it’s also focused on practicality ...