Age and hypertension are associated with increased risks for cranial ischemic complications in GCA, while anticoagulant therapy may offer protective benefits.
Mellodie-Ocean Jarman, 19, had an emergency C-section after becoming unwell and being rushed to hospital - she tragically died having given birth to baby Athena-Pearl, who also passed away ...
Captain Jaimes García (@captainjaimesgarcia), a pilot at Colombian airline Avianca, explains in a video shared on TikTok that cold sufferers are at risk of rupturing their ear drums.
As the pandemic rapidly spread to almost every corner of the world, immunologists worked to develop a vaccine that could handle the Coronavirus on a massiv ...
A study aiming to identify fluorescent bioactive compounds in the coelomic fluid of earthworms, as well as to investigate their structural and functional characteristics for possible use in biomedical ...