A student currently enrolled in studies in the Somerset Community College (SCC) Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) Program ...
Over time, chronic catheters and bladder infections can cause bladder irritation which can increase your risk for bladder cancer.
Urine microscopy is an important adjunct to the urinalysis. The findings of cells, casts or crystals can aid in urinalysis interpretation and in making a more accurate diagnosis. Since the formed ...
[43] In summary, proteinuria on dipstick urinalysis is used for screening and initial detection of preeclampsia in pregnancy, and may predict morbidity and mortality in other patient populations.
It’s tough for a man to know what to do following a diagnosis of prostate cancer. The treatment is often worse than the risk ...
After a two-year closure due to staffing shortages, students at Hermiston High School can again access primary health care at ...
Marketplace reveals the growing number of vet clinics being bought up by international corporations across the country and ...
School of Environmental & Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Changhui Rd. 666, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212003, China ...
If your veterinarian also noticed crystals in your cat's urine in the urinalysis, as well as the bacteria, they might recommend a prescription diet. If this alternative is too expensive or you do not ...
Riverdale' alum Lili Reinhart reveals she has been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, a chronic bladder condition, after a ...
The man who allegedly hit two Routt County Sheriff’s vehicles with his car and was allegedly found in possession 247 grams of ...
China: A recent case-control observational study has raised concerns about developing proteinuria in patients undergoing ...