Kids with apraxia of speech have trouble getting their tongue, lips, and jaw to move correctly for talking. They know what they want to say but can't say the sounds, syllables, and words. By ...
Childhood apraxia of speech is a motor speech disorder that causes children to have difficulty speaking. Children with apraxia of speech often understand language and know what they want to say. They ...
Hope has a condition called Apraxia, which limits her verbal communication. However, Hope's mom, Laurie Magovern, has noticed ... Background Apraxia in patients with stroke may be overlooked, as clumsiness and deficient gestural communication are often attributed to frequently coexisting sensorimotor deficits and ...
Objectives: To investigate whether gait apraxia is a possible cause for some of the walking abnormalities shown by patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Methods: 60 patients with Alzheimer’s disease, ...