Many Americans are paying credit-card interest rates over 20%, but a new bill from a bipartisan duo would slice their card ...
A new bipartisan bill is aimed at giving consumers a break when it comes to credit card interest rates, capping them at 10%.
Atmospheric rivers, also described as "rivers in the sky," cause more than 80 percent of all flooding damage across the West ...
Rowe said his office is honoring detainer requests as required under House Bill 10, the ICE cooperation law enacted last year ...
A bipartisan bill was approved today to prevent tuna that gets imported into the U.S. from being mislabeled as high-quality ...
The Purple Heart Veterans Education Act aims to allow Purple Heart recipients post-9/11 to transfer GI Bill benefits to ...
A bipartisan group of lawmakers is supporting a bill to add specific requirements to pregnancy resource centers that receive ...
WASHINGTON, D.C. Today, bipartisan legislation led by U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) to make it easier for parents to ...
Ending capital punishment had been a dormant issue in Indiana, but advocates now believe a Republican-led effort to abolish ...
A bipartisan group of representatives introduced a bill Friday that would offset and exceed a pay cut for doctors that went ...
In recent years, leaders at the South Carolina State House have put a concerted effort toward economic growth, including workforce development.
WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer as well as Rep. Nick Langworthy, R-23, are part of a bipartisan group of lawmakers reintroducing the Setting Consumer Standards for ...