I am a 30-year-old cishet woman from the Pacific Northwest. I am reaching out today about faking orgasms. I have been dating ...
Stag beetles have their sumo matches. Female fireflies who murder their mates. These are some of our favorite mating ...
Here are a few ways females have the final say in reproduction. In the most straightforward type of mate choice, "pre-copulatory traits" show off one's genetic offering. The male bower bird seeks ...
在自然界中,雄性为了繁衍后代,不仅需要与其他雄性竞争交配机会,甚至在成功交配后,精子也必须与其他雄性的精子在雌性的生殖道内展开激烈的竞争。精子竞争(sperm ...
Researchers have witnessed behavior in the wild which could reveal critical clues about how the endangered whale shark reproduces.
Additionally, females possess “finger-like projections” near their copulatory opening, which are “unique to this new species,” scientists said. The study authors were Raveendran Sudha ...
A female whale shark being chased by a larger male (Christine Barry Research/YouTube) Scientists in Australia have witnessed whale shark mating behaviour at Ningaloo Reef, in what is believed to be ...
A massive species of endangered shark might be kinkier than we first thought, scientists have found. In rare video footage, a male whale shark has been spotted biting at his female partner during ...