Ever since the ancient days, autumn has been the time for lamentation of the loneliness and sadness. Nevertheless, I say that autumn is better than spring. In the clear sky,a crane soars up through ...
那水呢,不但不结冰,倒反在绿萍上冒着点热气,水藻真绿,把终年贮蓄的绿色全拿出来了。天儿越晴,水藻越绿,就凭这些绿的精神,水也不忍得冻上,况且那些长枝的垂柳还要在水里照个影儿呢!看吧,由澄清的河水慢慢往上看吧,空中,半空中,天上,自上而下全是那么清亮, ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
在卸任美国国务卿前,布林肯在最后一场官方记者会上,因其加沙政策遭到指责。为此,本人以夸张和讽刺的语气模仿美国总统拜登与国务卿布林肯之间的对话,来探讨国际政治局势:拜登:哈啰,布林肯,你刚刚打电话给我吗?我正在午睡。你知道不应该在那个时间打扰我。下次别这么做,好吗?布林肯:抱歉,老大。我刚刚在记者会上有点狼狈,想要提醒你一下。拜登:提醒我?什么事!布林肯:嗯,有些记者说,您和我的“政治遗产”就是种族 ...
Snake soup is considered the commoner’s tonic and a specialty in Cantonese cuisine. Ser Wong Fun was founded in 1895 in Nanhai District, Guangdong. After relocating to Gilman’s Bazaar in Central in 19 ...
In the new year, let's join hands, embrace the passion like a raging fire, uphold the confidence like a solid rock, practice the style as steady as the earth, fully achieve the goals of the "14th Five ...
中国日报网1月16日电 据世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)网站报道,数字革命正在改变人们的生活,打破障碍,促进一个更加包容和公平的社会。然而,数字鸿沟仍然是一个长期存在的挑战,这会加剧现有的不平等,限制教育、就业和社会参与的机会。家庭高速 ...
Experience the legendary tale of La Bayadère, brought to life by Tahlia Maracalova, one of the most celebrated figures in the ...