The Green Party of Ontario’s Huron-Bruce candidate is Matthew Van Ankum, a second-generation Howick Township farmer. He was the Green’s candidate in Huron-Bruce last election, when he finished fifth ...
With the provincial election underway, parties continue to name candidates in northern Ontario ridings. In the Kenora-Rainy River riding, one new name and one familiar name will appear on the ballot ...
When Ontario Premier Doug Ford dropped the writ for a Feb. 27 election , he called for a strong mandate to protect Ontario from Donald Trump’s tariffs . As he made clear in this newspaper , ...
Here’s where the leaders of Ontario’s main political parties are on Friday, Jan. 31: Hamilton: Ford will meet with health-care workers belonging to the Service Employees International Union. St.
Economic mayhem does not typically make for a winning election campaign. The exception: when blame for the trouble can logically be pinned on an outside enemy, particularly a bully boy like Trump.