This review focuses on intergenerational and transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in different plants, animal species and humans, presenting the up-to-date evidence and arguments for such effects ...
Insects exhibit both humoral and cellular immune responses against pathogens. The lack of an adaptive immune system has compelled insects to choose immediate non-specific but sophisticated responses ...
The shrimps (Penaeus vannamei, around 5 g) were purchased from Shantou local farms. Upon delivery, the shrimps were cultured in breeding house tanks filled with aerated seawater at 20°C and ...
Standardized dried extracts listed according to their phytochemical marker employed for standardization and supplier. The analytical solutions of such dried extracts solutions were coded as: Hp, Gb, ...
Professor, Head of Research Institute Head of working group "Aquatic Evolutionary Ecology" Evolutionary adaptation to heatwaves in an aquatic grazer (FWF) Climate change increases the frequency and ...
Dawson, C. R., and Tarpley, W. B., in “The Enzymes”, 2, 454 (edit. J. B. Sumner and K. Myrbäck, Acad. Press, New York, 1951).