Madagascar owes its name to Marco Polo. The famous traveler heard about the island during his wanderings in Africa. The name ...
Херве, F5HRY в настоящее время вновь активен позывным FG/F5HRY с острова Мари Галант, Гваделупа, IOTA NA - 102.
Ed, W0YK is currently active as P49X from Aruba, IOTA SA - 036. He will operate on 160 - 10m, including activity in CQ WW WPX RTTY Contest. Colonization of the island, located near the coast of ...
VU4AX Team will be active from Andaman Islands, IOTA AS - 001, 10 - 21 March 2025. Team - ON4AMX/VU3PFV, ON4HIL/VU3PFT, ON5UR/VU3PFE, ON5RA/VU3PFF, ON5TN, ON6CC/VU3PFN, ON7FT/VU3PFH, ON7USB/VU3PFQ, ...
Команда C5PL будет активна из Гамбии, 1 - 6 февраля 2025. Команда в составе - LB0OG, SP1C, SP1FM, SQ1GU.
DX-Adventure is thrilled to announce our upcoming VU4AX DX-pedition to the beautiful South Andaman Islands (IOTA AS-001).
C5PL Team will be active from Gambia, 1 - 6 February 2025. Team - LB0OG, SP1C, SP1FM, SQ1GU. via LoTW (gratis); We will also send our logs to the programs: Parks on the Air, World Wide Flora & Fauna, ...
SV1GA/A Team currently active from Mount Athos, Greece. Team - SV1GA, OH2BH, KO8SCA, YO8WW, OH2GEK. Recent DX Spots SV1GA/A They will operate on HF Bands. QSL via EB7DX, ClubLog, LOTW. DXCC Country - ...
The call sign OK4MM appears from time to time on this DX News portal, as well as on some other DX related web pages, mostly announcing activities from islands of the IOTA programme.
He is of the same age group as myself. In 1961 when he was 14 years old, Jurgis discovered a radio club in the school he attended in Kursenai, a small town near Siaulai in the northern part of ...
Команда FP5KE будет активна с островов Сен Пьер и Микелон, IOTA NA - 032, Франция, в 2025 году. Команда - члены клуба F6KOP. Последние DX споты FP5KE FP5KE Поиск связей в логе Найти Лидер команды - ...
Usually, it is not a good when your husband disagrees with your parents, but when it comes to amateur radio there is usually nothing you can do to stop them. Our we planned our first trip to visit my ...