The new website says the film will be available in the first half of the year (Pic: Lucky Film) UPDATE: We have heard reports that the new website is not an official agent of China Lucky Film and ...
The OM_3 was released in 1983 but found itself caught between the OM system’s past and future (Pic: Wolf4Max/Wikipedia) OM Systems’ latest Four Thirds mirrorless camera is the OM-3, a ...
The Chinese film brand makes nearly a dozen films from Eastman Kodak cinema stock (Pic: Reflx Lab) Chinese film brand Reflx Lab has warned that the recent crackdown of respooling of Kodak-branded ...
Chinese lens manufacturer Light Lens Lab has announced a major project to develop new photographic films. The lens maker, which produces lenses for Leica M and Leica screw-mount cameras, made the ...