Time-restricted eating may not add additional benefit in visceral adipose tissue reduction over the Mediterranean diet for people with overweight or obesity.
Outpatient management of patients with cancer-associated pulmonary embolism (PE) may be a feasible, safe approach with low short-term rates of recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE), major bleeding, ...
Paxlovid may offer marginal benefits for low-risk children with COVID-19; however, among high-risk children with COVID-19, Paxlovid is a safe oral option.
Elevated CAR has been associated with adverse outcomes in many conditions, including cancer, sepsis, COVID-19, and cardiovascular diseases. A higher C-reactive protein to albumin ratio (CAR) is ...
For people with diabetes, the use of GLP-1 RAs is associated with a reduced risk for certain disorders and conditions, including neurocognitive and cardiometabolic disorders, and with an increased ...