Translation of human pluripotent stem cells into cell therapies will require the development of standardized tests for product consistency, stability, tumorigenicity, toxicity and immunogenicity.
eLife is a non-profit organisation inspired by research funders and led by scientists. Our mission is to help scientists accelerate discovery by operating a platform for research communication that ...
The physiological processes of cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis are closely related to STAT3, and it has been demonstrated that aberrant STAT3 expression has an impact on the ...
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is the only rate-limiting enzyme in the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP). Rapidly proliferating cells require metabolites from PPP to synthesize ribonucleotides ...
The proteasome is a large protein complex in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic and archaeal cells responsible for proteolysis of proteins that have one or more poly-ubiquitin post-translational ...
1Division of Neuro-Oncology, Brain Tumor Center, Keck School of Medicine of University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California.
Correspondence to Professor Jun Yu, Institute of Digestive Disease, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China; ...
棕榈酰化修饰,作为一种关键的蛋白质翻译后修饰(PTM),通过棕榈酸共价连接到蛋白质的半胱氨酸残基上,对蛋白质的功能和细胞信号传导产生深远影响。自20世纪70年代被发现以来,棕榈酰化修饰在细胞生物学和疾病发生中的重要性逐渐被认识。它在细胞增殖 ...
Objective Fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO), an eraser of N 6-methyadenosine (m6A), plays oncogenic roles in various cancers. However, its role in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is unclear ...