4 天
一点资讯 on MSN研究人员正在开发可以防止胃肠道感染的疫苗不管是度假时喝的自来水、吃的劣质鸡肉,还是孩子们从学校带回家的东西,我们几乎都曾在人生的某个阶段被可怕的有毒食物折磨过。 对于中等健康的人来说,一两天后症状就会消失,但在那段时间里,绝对是地狱般的煎熬。 培养皿上的沙门氏菌 ...
A new study finds that sharks and rays harbor several harmful bacteria, some resistant to antibiotics, raising concerns over their impact on public health.
Be it from tap water on a vacation, some dodgy chicken, or something the kids have brought home from school, we've almost all ...
Salmonella might seem like a mild inconvenience to some, but for sensitive groups, it can prove dangerous or deadly. In fact, ...