(法新社伦敦4日电) 美国总统川普(Donald Trump)暂缓对加拿大和墨西哥输美商品徵收关税,对中国输美商品加徵关税则于今天生效,市场评估川普关税对未来数周影响,欧股指数今天互有涨跌。
(法新社基辅4日电) 乌克兰官员表示,俄罗斯今天发射1枚飞弹攻击乌克兰的伊久姆市(Izyum),造成5死50伤。俄军2022年曾短暂占领这座城市。乌克兰总统泽伦斯基呼吁盟邦加强施压俄国停止入侵行动。
A widowed British businessman takes a job as butler of a manor house in France to remember his late French wife. His life takes a turn as he navigates the eccentric behaviour of the lady of the manor ...
Oligarch Jean-François is tired of his spoilt son Louis' behaviour and organises a scheme to make him believe that he has travelled back in time to the Russian Empire in 1860.