Greek PM offers condolences for fatal ski resort fire in Turkey The Greek Herald 22:05 Tue, 21 Jan New fire station, more housing, safer roads among Syracuse mayor’s final-year plans The Post-Standard ...
This particularly important element of the efforts to fight fires was introduced by a man named Ctesibius. He was from Alexandria and lived in the 3rd century BC, at a time when Alexandria was a hub ...
Greece was under military rule following a coup in 1967 until 1974, and the experience left lasting scars. It is not clear why the government felt these changes were needed now. There is some ...
In Greece, thousands of people have been evacuated from homes and hotels on the island of Rhodes after wildfires engulfed large parts of the area. The country's fire service has said five helicopters ...
Here’s What You Need to Remember: There are no specific international bans on the use of flamethrowers; however, there are the international humanitarian law treaty norms, which specifically ...