There has been an ongoing debate regarding which duplex ultrasound (DUS) criteria to use to determine the rate of in-stent restenosis. This prospective study revisits DUS criteria for determining ...
Table 5 summarizes the mean velocities and ICA to CCA ratios for = 30 to < 50%, = 50 to < 70%, and = 70 to 99% in-stent restenosis, based on CT angiography. ROC Curves: Sensitivity and Specificity ...
In previous cases, we have observed a possible relationship between calcification and intracranial in-stent restenosis (ISR) using optical coherence tomography (OCT). Therefore, our study aimed to ...
Fractures and breakages of the helix on the Rotarex system has led to 30 serious injuries, four deaths, and 115 interventions ...
Background Data concerning restenosis following successful recanalization of non-acute internal carotid artery occlusion (ICAO) are scarce. This study was conducted to identify the incidence and ...
Updates in new antiplatelet therapies, new patient populations for PCI and AI to guide CAD staging were among the top ...
BACKGROUND: The optimal coronary stenting technique for true left main bifurcation lesions is uncertain. EBC MAIN (European ...
AngioDynamics, Inc. (NASDAQ: ANGO), a leading and transformative medical technology company focused on restoring healthy blood flow in the body's vascular system, expanding cancer treatment options ...
AngioDynamics initiates the AMBITION BTK RCT and registry to advance treatment for patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia and below-the-knee peripheral artery disease.
AngioDynamics, Inc. announced the commencement of the AMBITION BTK multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT), which will ...
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