LGA is used on Intel sockets with pins as part of the socket. AMD's AM4 solution, PGA, has the processors' pins, which fit into holes in the socket. AMD's AM5 and Threadripper CPUs also use LGA ...
Thanks to a leaked shipping manifest, it looks like Intel may be sending early models of its upcoming Nova Lake CPUs to a select ... socket than Arrow Lake’s LGA 1851. That would make the ...
Most of the best AIO coolers support AMD and Intel's latest desktop CPUs—in other words, those that use the AM5 socket for the former and the LGA1851 socket for the latter. However, older chips ...
Intel Core i7-13700K Gaming Desktop Processor for $341.33 (list price $ ... buying anything else if you're willing to go with Intel's LGA 1700 platform for your next gaming-first PC." ...
Pair a suitable processor with NVIDIA's affordable 30-Series graphics card. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. NVIDIA's ...
A food processor comes with a variety of attachments, and using them correctly can lower the risk of injury compared to a mandoline slicer or manual box grater -- not to mention saving your wrists ...
AMD's Ryzen 5 7600X is a budget-friendly CPU to pair with your RTX 4060. (Image credit: Future) Those building a new PC have some tough choices to make, especially when it comes to pairing hardware.