After telling a few stories about how he built a tape recorder as a 16-year-old boy in post-war Germany, [Hans] was finally cajoled into retelling this story in a proper form, giving the Internet ...
A machine that records audio or video onto magnetic tape. A tape "recorder" or tape "deck" generally refers to earlier analog devices, such as a VHS tape recorder. Until the 1990s, analog audio ...
A brief description is given of a simple device that considerably reduces the subjective impairment produced by 'drop-out' in video tape recording. Subjective tests are described whose results ...
5 mil where 1 mil = 1/1000 inch) for different purposes, which now include video and digital recording. The tape is coated with an oxide EMULSION, which when exposed to the variations of the magnetic ...
Back in the 1980s, there was thing called the video cassette recorder or VCR. Players had video tapes that were sold on television to showcase their highlights. One of the first player to have an ...