Bharatiya Janata Party's Harpreet Kaur Babla won the Chandigarh Mayor elections on Thursday defeating Aam Aadmi Paty Prem Lata by two votes. Babla secured 19 votes while Lata got 17 votes in the civic ...
Chandigarh: In a major upset, BJP's Harpreet Kaur Babla stunned AAP-Congress candidate Prem Lata to win the mayor's seat after three alliance councill.
In a surprising outcome, the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) won the mayor election in Chandigarh, with Harpreet Kaur Babla becoming the new mayor. She got 19 votes, even though BJP only had 16 ...
In a politically charged contest on Thursday, simmering tensions within both the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Congress, coupled with the fractured unity of their alliance, allowed the Bharatiya Janata ...