Un manuel complet pour réussir ses prises de vues et maîtriser le développement en labo. Qui a dit que l’argentique était mort ? Le regain d’intérêt qu’on observe aujourd’hui pour l’argentique ...
COR WAS HERE is a special exhibition devoted to the photographer Cor Jaring, curated by the long-time admirer and photographer Sander Troelstra, who is generations younger. Cor Jaring worked his way ...
The Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial is the world's largest international art festival, held every three years in the Echigo-Tsumari region, encompassing Tokamachi City and Tsunan Town in Niigata ...
Diplômée d'Arts Plastiques et passionnée d'histoire du patrimoine, elle assiste le photographe Dominique Repérant avec qui elle parcoure les routes pour capter les plus beaux paysages et villages de ...
Blindspot Gallery is pleased to present “THREE DIMENSIONS” featuring architectural photography by Peter Margonelli, Dick Chan and Eason Tsang. The artists create new vistas of the ever-shifting ...
David Spero studied photography at the Royal College of Art, London. His work has been included in a number of exhibitions including Photo España (Madrid 2005), The Art of the Garden (Tate Britain ...
Christopher Stewart (born London, UK, 1966). His work has been exhibited at, amongst others, Gimpel Fils Gallery, London, the National Museum of Film, Photography and Television, Bradford and Stills ...
Lillois d'origine, Jean-Christophe Destailleur réalise son tout premier cliché à l'âge de 8 ans : Il s'agissait alors d'un instantané, pris à l'aide d'un appareil "Polaroid" que ses parents lui ...
The future of the city: that is the theme raised by Amsterdam artist Hans Scholten (1952) in his photographic project Urban Future. For a number of years now, he has been photographing the urban ...
The photographic work of Vera Mercer has remained relatively unknown until now. Born in 1936 in Berlin as Vera Mertz, she received Swiss citizenship following her marriage in 1958 to Daniel Spoerri, ...
With his camera, Stephen J. Morgan documents familiar, urban places, bringing about a photographic record of his journey through life and delving into his own identity, as a second generation Irish ...
Born in Paris in 1953, a fellow traveller of the Bazooka group as founded by Kiki and Loulou Picasso, Romain Slocombe became known as a comic strip author and published a first bondage album, Prisoner ...