The Autobiography by Pope Francis (Translated from Italian by Richard Dixon); Jesus Wept: Seven Popes and the Battle for the Soul of the Catholic Church by Philip Shenon ...
Within less than a decade, Charles’s ‘reign of peace’ had imploded and the two amateur impresarios found themselves on opposing sides in the ensuing civil war – Bulstrode Whitelocke (1605–75) as a ...
For two hundred years, Britain needed coal. The men who braved dreadful danger to hew it out of rocks miles underground were considered heroes; their trade union was feared by governments and revered ...
If you had been in the vicinity of the Turk’s Head Tavern on Soho’s Gerrard Street on a Friday evening in the second half of the 18th century, you might have recognised a number of famous men ...
I’m not sure what stands out for you when you think of the late 1990s – DeLillo’s Underworld? The dot-com bubble? Titanic? – but for me it’s two things: working (somewhat reluctantly) in New Age ...
Out of their cupboards they come tumbling, the skeletons thrust there in haste, or tucked neatly in, locked away by several or furtively concealed by one. William Trevor has brought out a new book and ...
Few modern ideas have had more traction than the Enlightenment belief in the eventual triumph of reason over religion. Indeed, generations of sociologists have argued, with little opposition, that the ...