The Indian state of Haryana, an automobile hub, has a key opportunity to accelerate EV adoption through stronger supporting policies and expanded infrastructure.
In considering congestion taxing to help address poor air quality, Delhi has the opportunity to draw on global insights and establish a strong precedent for tackling traffic congestion and air ...
A recent report by the North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE) highlighted the role of natural gas as a transport fuel and estimated that the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission savings from a ...
Global greenhouse gas emissions must decline rapidly to limit warming to well below 2 °C, as agreed under the Paris Agreement. The road transport sector, which accounts for more than one fifth of ...
Recent regulations, including the CO 2 standards for cars and vans, and its homologue legislation for trucks and buses, have put Europe on track for an early emissions peak. The International Council ...
More than 90% of Mexico’s CO 2 emissions from transportation come from vehicles on the road, with light-duty vehicles accounting for 65% of the on-road transport CO 2 emissions. Mexico’s updated ...
Más del 90% de las emisiones de CO 2 en México provenientes del transporte son generadas por vehículos en circulación, con los vehículos ligeros representando el 65% de las emisiones de CO 2 del ...