Reduce revenue by $5.0 trillion to $11.2 trillion over ten years. Lower revenue by 1.3 to 3.0 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Boost debt to between 132 and 149 percent of GDP by 2035, if not ...
President Trump's tariffs include a 10 percent additional tariff on all imports from China that went into effect on February 4. We estimate that this tariff will raise $20 billion in revenue through ...
In order for the reconciliation process to begin, the House and Senate must pass a concurrent budget resolution that includes a deficit reduction or cost target for relevant committees. Each committee ...
The Committee’s Board comprises some of the nation's leading budget experts, including many past heads of the House and Senate Budget Committees, the Congressional Budget Office, the Office of ...
Sources: Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates mainly based on data from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and U.S. Census Bureau. Although we assume these would be “minimum” ...
The “Earned Income Tax Credit” is paid out to working families with low to moderate incomes. A family with more children receives a larger credit. The Earned Income Tax Credit is listed as both a ...