This event aims at introducing PhD students, postdocs and other early career researchers to the emerging field of Scientific Machine Learning (SciML), in which Machine Learning are used in close ...
Dmitry Grinko will defend the dissertation 'Mixed Schur-Weyl duality in quantum information'. Promotor is Prof. H.M. Buhrman. The co-promotor is Dr M. Ozols.
Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is the most common inherited metabolic disorder in the world with about 2.5 million Europeans affected. In the Netherlands it is estimated that 60,000 people have ...
This is the second edition of the symposium where we bring together researchers using imaging or developing experimental and computational methods for imaging. Our idea is to connect groups that rely ...
In today’s society, complex systems and massive datasets surround us. From transport and traffic, to behavioral economics and biology, real-world applications demand that we identify optimal solutions ...
De afgelopen jaren is cyberdreiging dramatisch toegenomen met (potentieel) grote impact op het goed functioneren van onze moderne samenleving. Dit heeft de behoefte doen ontstaan aan de ontwikkeling ...
Vanessa Volz is currently a tenure track researcher in the Evolutionary Intelligence (EI) group at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She received her PhD in 2019 from ...
Nature and technology are full of dynamics, often involving multiple scales in length, time and energy. To model these processes, we combine scientific computing with model reduction and machine ...