Harvard researchers explore how the design of health insurance markets in the United States contributes to health inequities. In two recent papers, Professor Christopher Avery investigates the ...
Jennifer Lerner, Harvard Kennedy School Professor and Co-founder of the Harvard Decision Science Laboratory, leads this program in collaboration with other world-renowned Harvard faculty from a ...
Event Description: As advocates in the United States brace for attacks on LGBTQI+ rights from an emboldened anti-LGBTQI+ movement employing the illiberal playbook, it is crucial to learn from those ...
ELECTION NIGHT 2022 was historic for the city of Newport News, Virginia. Phillip Jones MPP/MBA 2021 had become the city’s 27th and youngest directly elected mayor at 32 years old. Not only was Jones a ...
November 30, 2020, Paper: "The last generation has witnessed an epochal decline in real interest rates in the United States and around the world despite large buildups of government debt. As Table 1 ...
2015, Video, "Economics from a Historical Perspective(Nathan Nunn(Harvard University, Professor of Economics)): Economist Nathan Nunn will discuss the role that history plays in understanding ...
June 2020, Paper, "Official (government-to-government) lending is much larger than commonly known, often surpassing total private cross-border capital flows, especially during disasters such as wars, ...
February 2022, Paper: "We study how the recent run-up in housing and rental prices affects the outlook for inflation in the United States. Housing held down overall inflation in 2021. Despite record ...