they eliminate the driver inattention that leads to thousands of collisions, injuries and deaths.【2016-1《今日美国》】 无人驾驶汽车有降低这些数据的潜力,因为它杜绝了驾驶员的注意力不集中的行为,这些行为导致了上千起相撞及伤亡事故。 考点 a potential solution to this ...
Tens of thousands of Palestinians began returning to their homes in Gaza City and the northern parts of the coastal enclave ...
根据埃及和卡塔尔在美国支持下斡旋达成的停火协议,以色列本该允许巴勒斯坦逃难者返回他们在加沙北部的家园。但是以色列指责哈马斯违约,未能按规定提供一份哪些预定获释人质还活着的清单以及未能按时释放另一位名叫阿贝尔·耶胡德(Arbel ...
A rare plant known as the corpse flower bloomed in Sydney on Friday for the first time in more than a decade, emitting an ...