Deployer - The deployment tool for PHP | Deployer
Deployer will configure your server, setup a firewall, install PHP and MySQL or Postgres, configure HTTPS, etc.
Getting Started | Deployer
Deployer will prompt you with a series of questions. After completing them, you'll have a deploy.php or * deploy.yaml* file—your deployment recipe. This file defines hosts, tasks, and dependencies on other recipes. Framework-specific recipes provided by Deployer are based on the common recipe.
Basics | Deployer
Deployer operates around two main concepts: hosts and tasks. These are defined within a recipe, which is simply a file containing hosts and tasks definitions. The Deployer CLI requires two arguments: A task to execute. A selector to determine the …
How to Deploy a Laravel Project | Deployer
Deployer is a free and open source deployment tool written in PHP. It helps you to deploy your Laravel application to a server. It is very easy to use and has a lot of features. Three main features of Deployer are: Provisioning - provision your server for you. Zero downtime deployment - deploy your application without a downtime.
Cleanup Recipe | Deployer
Source. Configuration cleanup_use_sudo . Source. Use sudo in deploy:cleanup task for rm command.
CI/CD | Deployer
Use official GitHub Action for Deployer. Create .github/workflows/deploy.yml file with following content:
API Reference | Deployer
Define a local host. Deployer will not connect to this host, but will execute commands locally instead.
Upgrade a major version | Deployer
run returns string instead of Deployer\Type\Result. Now run and runLocally returns string instead of Deployer\Type\Result. Replace method calls as: run('command')->toString() → run('command') run('if command; then echo "true"; fi;')->toBool() → test('command') env_vars renamed to env. set('env_vars', 'FOO=bar'); → set('env', ['FOO ...
Hosts | Deployer
remote_user: deployer With these tools and configurations, you can manage and deploy to hosts effectively, whether it's a single server or a complex multi-host setup. Happy deploying!
Installation | Deployer
There are two ways to install Deployer: globally or locally. Global installation is recommended for most users, as it allows you to use Deployer from any directory. Local (or project) installation is preferred for CI/CD pipelines, as it allows you to use the same version of …