The general Claire Lee Chennault (1893-1958) | History Forum
2020年11月2日 · Given that Robert E. Lee died in 1870 and Claire Lee Chennault wasn't born until 1893, Lee obviously couldn't be CLC's father. Besides, it was CLC's mother, Jessie, who was a Lee (but probably not of THE Lee's).
Stilwell's conflict with Chiang - History Forum
2020年1月2日 · I'm only beginning to read a bit about the Chinese front during WW2 and there seems to be very different narratives.
The general Claire Lee Chennault (1893-1958) | Page 2 | History …
2020年11月6日 · One might speculate as to how many white males born in the south after 1865 might have "Lee" as a first or middle name with absolutely no family relation just as a nod in the General's direction. For that matter, one can find 2 Robert E Lee's (and one Sydney Smith Lee) in the 1944 USN...
The Akutan Zero: How a Captured Japanese Fighter Plane Helped …
2012年6月4日 · The early intelligence on the A6M aircraft largely derived from crashed examples, reports of Chinese Air Force pilots, and observations from Naval Attachés. These reports came to the US from USN and USMC naval aviators stationed in China and Japan as well as Claire Chennault in his capacity as air advisor to the Chinese Air Force.
"Political framework" and "Political Moralism" | History Forum
2011年3月18日 · I just came to think about the human society as being a complex set of framework and moralism. As I view the society, it should be drawn like a box filled with whatever. In human society, it could be faith, humanitarian aid and everything else that is driven by emotions. The Political Framework...
German "atom-splitting bomb" referred to in WW2 ... - History …
2020年5月13日 · If Claire Werner was able to identify different colors in the light (at darkness) the light effect duration would have to be at least one second due to the moment of shock (reaction time). This would place the Ohrdruf bomb yield in the …
6 Spanish Forts in Carolinas and Tennessee - History Forum
2016年5月16日 · Well, according with the Spanish parameters at the time, 30 men were enough. Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire (el Piru, as it was named, today Perú) with 150 Peninsulares or Valdivia in the conquest of Chili had 100 Peninsulares (For example, the Battle of Andalién, Valdivia had 100 spaniards, about 300 indians and he defeated Araucanos (today Mapuches) …
History of Ireland (II) | History Forum
2015年9月13日 · - Wills, Claire, That Neutral Island: A History of Ireland During the Second World War, Faber and Faber, 2007. The North - Adams, Gerry, The Politics of Irish Freedom, Brandon, 1986.